• Image of 2020 Moon Goddess Chocolate Moonstone and Magic
  • Image of 2020 Moon Goddess Chocolate Moonstone and Magic
  • Image of 2020 Moon Goddess Chocolate Moonstone and Magic
  • Image of 2020 Moon Goddess Chocolate Moonstone and Magic
  • Image of 2020 Moon Goddess Chocolate Moonstone and Magic

My Newest Creation ... filled with the NEW MANIFESTATION ENERGY of 2020
Moon Goddess Chocolate Moonstone, Pearl, AAA Faceted Crystal Quartz, Angel Aura Quartz, Faceted Chalcedony and Faceted Hematite.

Coffee Chocolate Moonstone is a rare find of moonstone crystal.

Once called the travelers stone, moonstone was used for protection against the dangers of travel. It was also a talisman of good fortune.
Useful for success in business matters, promotes inspiration and enhances intuition.

According to legend, the brightness of moonstone increases as the new moon becomes full and Indians consider it sacred as it is believed that one can see into the future if the stone is held when the moon is full.
It is a "feeling" stone, enhancing understanding via intuition and emotion rather than via intellectual reasoning.
It can be helpful in alleviating emotional tension and enhancing creativity and self-expression.
This is the stone of love and is Useful for success in love.

Use Chocolate Moonstone crystal for uniting the astral and physical worlds, emotional healing, balance, and goddess magic


What is Pearl?
Pearl is a mixture of mineral and organic material formed with the soft living tissue of a shelled mollusk. Pearl is a 30th Anniversary gemstone.

Pearl Associations
Chakras - Third Eye Chakra
Birthstone - June
Zodiac - Gemini, Cancer
Planet - Moon
Vibration - Number 7
Typical colours - white, black, grey

Healing with Pearl
♥ Purity ♥ Honesty ♥ Innocence ♥ Integrity ♥ Concentration ♥ Focus ♥ Meditation ♥ Tranquility ♥ Wisdom

Pearl signifies faith, charity and innocence. It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. Pearl symbolises purity and is known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. Inhibits boisterous behaviour.
Pearl treats digestive disorders and the soft organs of the body. It relieves conditions of bloating and biliousness. Pearl increases fertility and eases childbirth.

Zodiac: Gemini
Element : Earth
Chakra: Third Eye/Crown

Clear Quartz Associations
Chakras - Crown Chakra
Birthstone - April
Zodiac - All birth signs
Planet – Sun
Element – All (Earth/Fire/Air/Water)
Vibration - Number 4
Typical colours - Pure Quartz is colourless or white

Healing with Clear Quartz
♥ Harmony ♥ Energy ♥ Healing ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Clarity ♥ Calmness

Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

Chalcedony Associations
Chakras - Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra
Zodiac - Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Typical colours - white to grey, greyish-blue, or brown ranging from pale to nearly black. Chalcedony has a waxy lustre, and may be semitransparent or translucent.

Healing with Chalcedony
♥ Emotional balance ♥ Vitality ♥ Stamina ♥ Endurance ♥ Energy ♥ Intensity ♥ Hardiness ♥ Nurturance ♥ Generosity ♥ Liveliness ♥ Kindness ♥ Charity ♥ Friendliness

Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. Eases self-doubt. Creates openness and enthusiasm. Absorbs and dissipates negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams.
Chalcedony improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral buildup in veins. Lessens the effects of dementia and senility. It increases physical energy. Heals the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.

Hematite Associations
Chakras - Base Chakra
Zodiac - Aries, Aquarius
Planet - Mars
Element - Fire/Earth
Vibration - Number 9
Typical colours -Black to steel or silver-grey, brown to reddish brown, or red

Healing with Hematite
♥ Focus ♥ Concentration ♥ Willpower ♥ Reliability ♥ Courage ♥ Confidence ♥ Optimism ♥ Trust ♥ Balance ♥ Stability ♥ Protection

Hematite grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought.
Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.
Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Haematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence. It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence.
Haematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anaemia. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue. Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia. Hematite aids spinal alignment and fractures.