• Image of Protection and Grounding Evil Eye Talisman, Volcanic Rock, Raw Tourmaline, Raw Tribal Coral

Crystals have alignment and Healing Properties <3

The evil eye - first recorded by the Mesopotamians about 5,000 years ago in cuneiform on clay tablets, the Evil Eye may actually have originated as early as the Upper Paleolithic age

We find this figure in Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures as well as Buddhist and Hindu societies. This common tradition finds a new identity in the 3000 years old glass craftsmanship of Anatolia. A glass master combines the power the eye figure with the power of the fire and creates a new talisman:
The Evil Eye Bead - Nazar Boncugu

Meaning of the Evil Eye Myth - What is the evil eye bracelet meaning or why people wear evil eye jewelry?

Evil eye beads go back thousands of years. Blue glass evil eye bead amulets are the most common talisman in Anatolia to stop the evil eye. Turkish evil eye bead with its warm blue, the shine it has derived from the fire and the smiling face that's a typical feature of the Anatolian people, evil eye jewelry gives happiness to the friends and the beloved ones. Protection from the evil eyes, covetous friends and strangers.

The blue evil eye beads of Anatolia that has been smiling for thousands of years, are eager to meet with the eyes of the new world. it is also known in most languages : In english as evil eye, evil look - in French Mauvais Oeil - in German böse Blick - in Arabic ayin hasad (eye of envy) - in Armenian pasternak - Yiddish aynore or ahore from Hebrew ayin harac - Hungarian szemmel verés (beating with eyes) - Polish oko proroka ( the eye of the prophet ) - Sicilian jettatura (casting) . Brazilian Portuguese has olho gordo (fat eye) or quebranto (breaker) - in Spanish mal de ojo (the eye's curse or ojo turco - ojito turco)- in Irish droch-shuil - in Greek matiasma or mati someone refers to the act of cursing someone with the evil eye.

It's believed that there are three types of evil eyes
The first are unconscious evil eyes. These harm people and things, without intending to. The second type intends to harm. The third one is unseen, hidden evil which is the most scared one.
It was believed that, this eye saw all the wickedness in the world and removed poverty and ignorance. When Horus opened its eyes the world was enlightened, when he closed, it became dark. From Egypt, the eye talisman had spread to the Mediterranean, Middle East and Europe.
The bead reflects the evil intent back to the onlooker. It somewhat resembles an eye and it is said the typical blue color is a factor in protecting the user.
The Nazar Boncuk charm (or Evil Eye Bead) is an "eye", often set on a blue background. It stares back at the world to ward off the evil spirits and keep you safe from harmSince then the people have been attaching this evil eye bead to everything they wished to protect from the evil eyes. From the new-born babies to their horses or even to the doors of their homes...

Basalt is an igneous volcanic rock that is basically molten lava that has solidified under intense heat and pressure. Basalt can be any color from grey to black. Basalt is also known as Lava Rock.

Since basalt is formed from molten lava, and molten lava was once rock that is heated so much it was liquid, you can only imagine the strength, fire and power contained within basalt! Basalt is also known as lava rock.

Basalt is a stone of strength and courage, it allows one the opportunity for stability throughout changes in their life. If you are going through a lot of shifts in your life then basalt would be a helpful stone for you. Basalt helps to diminish the negative aspects of one’s character and allow us one to see where modification of your character can be helpful.

Since basalt was once molten lava, it has the power of fire within. One drawn to basalt may need some fire her energy into their life.


Rock Specks

Color: Black

Type of stone: Basalt aka Lava Rock

Hardness: 2

Chakra: Crown and Higher Crown Chakras

Element: Fire & Earth

Planet: Earth

Numerological Number: 1

Astrological: Taurus & Cancer

Magickal Uses: Dream work, Enhancing Creativity, Communication, Cleansing Negativity

All tourmalines are said to enhance understanding, increase self-confidence and amplify psychic energies. They are told to neutralize negative energies, dispel fear and grief as well as aid in concentration and communication.

They are used in an effort to relax the body as well as the mind, and to aid in the treatment of infectious diseases, anxiety, blood poisoning, arthritis and heart disease.

Black Tourmaline is said to protect one against high radiation, and has a positive effect on the body's loco motor system, while strengthening musculature.

~Grounding earth <3

♥ Absorbs negative energy ♥ Platonic love ♥ Friendship ♥ Community ♥ Creativity ♥ Passion ♥ Romantic love ♥ Wisdom ♥ Optimism ♥ Enthusiasm ♥ Balance ♥ Relaxation ♥ Protection ♥ Safe travel on water

Coral is a 35th Anniversary gemstone.

Zodiac - Taurus, Pisces
Planet - Mars
Typical colours - Black, pink, red, white, blue

Coral represents diplomacy and concurrence. It quiets the emotions and brings peace to within the self. Facilitates intuition, imagination and visualisation. Coral expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge.

Coral strengthens the circulatory system and the bones of the body. It stimulates tissue regeneration and nourishes the blood cells. Treats disorders of the spinal canal, the alimentary canal, the nervous system, and the thalamus.

In addition to the generic healing properties of Coral, specific colours have additional attributes:

Red Coral

Chakras - Base Chakra

Red Coral stimulates the energetic pursuit of pre-determined goals. It protects from depression and despondency. Treats hiccups, colic and heartburn. Aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system. Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid.

Orange stones, especially the carnelians, are excellent aids for training, coordination of physical exercise programs, and for balancing body energy levels. Carnelians boost a listless attitude and can stimulate the appetite.

Used as a professional support crystal, Carnelian aids architects, builders and construction workers in their creation of master buildings, stimulates power and stamina in athletes and military personnel, establishes form and organization in journalists, and stimulates motivation in salespersons.

Carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination, and wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal corporations with unrealistic expectations.

Carnelian clarifies the voice. It is the Singer's Stone. It also promotes confidence for performances on stage or in live media.

Carnelian is traditionally known to guard against falling masonry and accidents with tools. Today it guards the home from theft, fire, storm or accident.

Carnelian lends the courage needed to help overcome difficulties and defend a cause. It promotes idealism, a sense of community and pragmatism.

Orange and red Carnelian are important crystals to use for love, and for the consummation of love. Orange crystals, in particular, are fertility and potency symbols and are linked with conceiving a child. Carnelian of either color may help in rekindling passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving relationship.

Carnelian Physical Healing Energy

Carnelian is full of the life force, stimulating metabolism and a good supply of blood to the organs and tissues. It influences the reproductive organs of both sexes, and increases fertility, overcoming frigidity and impotence. It aids in menstrual and menopausal symptoms, and may aid in vitro and artificial insemination.

It benefits in the absorption of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in the small intestine, and improves blood viscosity and circulation. It helps reduce congestion, phlebitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as well as boils and skin irritations. Carnelian accelerates scarification and heals nosebleeds. (However, if these recur, consult a doctor.)

It helps heal lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments. It aids the relief of depression, especially in those of advanced years.

It provides excellent support for detoxifying from alcohol or other drugs, breaking bad physical habits, and for improving overall health in general.
Carnelian Emotional Healing Energy

Carnelian is a stabilizing crystal, perfect for anchoring in the present. Its high energy helps restore lost vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity for new pursuits. It improves concentration and removes extraneous thoughts in daydreamers, and during meditation. This stone also protects against envy, rage, and resentment - yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life. It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind, helping you to trust yourself and your perceptions.

Carnelian alleviates jealousy and possessiveness in relationships, and is helpful in overcoming sexual anxieties, and eating disorders. It is also beneficial with male mid-life crisis.

Carnelian Chakra Healing and Balancing Energies

Carnelian, in its beautiful shades of orange, stimulates the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body.

Gut feelings, intuition, and other "non-linear" communication comes from this chakra. When it is out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration. When it is in balance you have grace, feel pleasure in life, find you are flexible and can "go with the flow" and do so in good spirit.

Carnelian, in shades of red, is also a powerful ally in healing Base Chakra blockages and traumas, aiding one in recovering vital information about oneself and one's purpose on Earth. The Base, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one's own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

Carnelian Spiritual Energy

Carnelian encourages acceptance of the cycle of life and helps remove the fear of death. As an ancient stone, it was used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It gives courage and promotes positive life choices.

Carnelian is a crystal of action, overcoming procrastination or indecision. It encourages one to stop waiting for dreams to appear, and stimulates the courage to embrace change and Divine Will to begin to make one's highest goals happen.

Carnelian encourages an awareness of the connection between the emotional state and the inner condition of the self. It promotes a spiritual energy conducive to awakening one's talents and perceptions of surroundings, and for offering love in return for love. Carnelian in shades of pink-orange, especially encourage love between parents and children, and between parents and parents.

Carnelian may be used, with advanced training, to see into the past. It carries the stories and records of our planet, and reflects its light energy back in the color of our physical world. It stimulates a deeper love and appreciation for the beauty and gifts of the earth.

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